KISS- live at UDO festival Japan (2006)
KISS- live at UDO festival Japan (2006) :
One more show for KISS ( mostly if u get all KISSology's). The show was recorded by TV at the UDO festival ( where u can bought a make up kit from KISS).The UDO was a rock music festival held in Japan in July 2006. The festival took place over two days in two locations -Fuji Speedway in the shizuoka prefecture in Osaka..The festival featured mostly older non-Japanese rock bands including Kiss, Social Distortion, and Santana.So of course, the stage is big (with flame), the cameras made a very good job (japan rules). The image is not great due to the transfer but very correct for a TVbootleg.The band is in good health that night, good vibe with the audience...sure to get it in official release one day !