You want to know every DVD about you fav' band? it

You want to know every DVD about you fav' band? it

Slaughter-From the beginning (dvdrip1991) Capitol

Slaughter-From the beginning (dvdrip1991) Capitol
Slaughter-From the beginning (dvdrip1991) Capitol :

This is proshot footage of Slaughter, videos and behind the sceens with really good quality.
Footage From The making of  "Stick It to Ya" without forgotten The Uncensored Version of "Up All Night" & "Fly To The Angels" , two very nice videos from the golden age of the hard US.Two songs from their first album , which reached double platinum status in the United States.It's a band from Las Vegas so u will have a nice walk throuh that city with band, in the studio but the most valuable for fans  are live performance footage of "eye to eye", "burnin' bridges".....& more. So if u like Slaughter ( i doubt they are too many people) try to get that document  and also the second cd of Vinnie Vincent Invasion (really, really good).


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